Printable Escape Room Games Are Great One Player Games

Download, Print and Play!

Start playing in less than 10 minutes!

Escape Room as a single player experience

It’s not unusual to think about escape games as one player games. For players, who love puzzles and a challenge, playing solo is a winning combination. This is especially true for some play-at-home escape games.

Escape Room style puzzles

In general, escape games consist of a series of puzzles tied together by a narrative. The players have to search for clues, use logic and observations skills in order to progress through the game. The first step in tackling an escape room style puzzle is to figure out what the puzzle is all about. The solution to the puzzle often leads to a new challenge. There are real life escape games, computer escape games, board game escape games and now print-at-home escape games.

One Player Games!
"My son loves pirates and puzzles. He enjoyed." - Diana (New York)
Print-To-Play Escape Game at Home!
Pirate Quest - Escape Room game
Age:  10+    Time:  30 to 60 min.   Players:  1 to 4 people

Easy to set-up

Our print-at-home escape games, aka printable escapes, require no preparation. All you need to do to start having fun is download the game and print it out. The game has puzzle pages, hints and answers pages. Once you download the game, no internet is needed. It’s a perfect activity away from the computer screen.

Pirate’s Quest

Pirate’s Quest is a printable escape game for kids. It’s easy to set up. Just download, print and give to your kid to play. Of course, if you would like to be part of his or her pirate crew the game would still work. Pirate’s Quest is designed for 10- to-14-year-olds. It features a variety of escape room style puzzles. The answer to each puzzle is a word. The player instantly knows when the answer is correct. The play time runs anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes. The time it takes to complete all the puzzles depends on the age and experience level of the players.

The Story

Pirate’s Quest has a light and fun story, which gives context for the puzzles. John Harding, a notorious pirate, was left on a deserted island by his treaturious crew. They believed he had hidden the treasure, instead of sharing it with the crew. Indeed, the crew was correct. John Harding was eventually rescued, and he let the world know that only those who truly deserve the treasure will find it.

If kids are 12 years old or younger, they might ask for some hints as they play. All the hints and answers are provided together with the game, there is no need to be connected to the internet after the game is downloaded. Kids who are 13 or 14 years old or kids with some experience playing escape room games might win the game fully on their own.

John Harding, a notorious pirate
"We loved this. Such a great way to pass an hour!" - Rebecca And Ricardo
Pirate's Quest - an Escape Room Game


How to start

Once you buy the game, you need to print it out and you can start playing right away. It is possible to play Pirate’s Quest without printing it out, however we do recomend printing it. It will be much more fun marking up the actual pages when looking for treasure. You can print at home on a regular letter size paper, or you can use a printing service such as Amazon Print or Staples.


The player needs to examine the puzzle page, look for clues and figure out the puzzle and the solution. A solution to each puzzle is a word. The escape game puzzles are designed in such a way, that once the player solves a puzzle, it’s clear that the puzzle was solved, and the player can move on to the next challenge. Once all puzzles are solved, give your pirate the award certificate included with the game!

Included Documents

You will have access to one PDF document, which will have: - The Game (14 pages) - How to play, hints, answers, answers page (4 pages) - Game Certificate (1 page)

If you know of a wannabe adventurer who loves pirates and puzzles, give him or her a gift of Pirate’s Quest!

Ready to set sails?